What Are The Five Negative Effects Of Fentanyl?

What are the five negative effects of fentanyl? Unfortunately, there are many more than five, including an irregular heartbeat and chest pain.

Fentanyl is an opioid with a high risk of addiction and dependance. Unfortunately many people in Michigan have been touched by the effects of this synthetic opioid. Addiction can destroy a person’s sense of self, their family, health, and relationships.

What Is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is up to 100 times more potent than morphine. In a medical setting, fentanyl is used to treat pain from cancer, surgery, or other concerns. It is also manufactured and sold illegally. Alarmingly, the fentanyl found in Michigan is often concocted with a mixture of other drugs, like heroin or cocaine.

What Are The Five Negative Effects Of Fentanyl?

There are many more than five negative side effects of taking any type of illegal drug. Fentanyl specifically comes with a laundry list of potential concerns, such as chest pain, shallow breathing, fainting, pale or blue lips or skin, muscle stiffness, and irregular heartbeat, and excessive tiredness.

Those are just the most commonly accepted side effects of the drug itself. As mentioned previously, fentanyl is often mixed with other substances, which may lead to other symptoms. These can include restlessness, difficulty swallowing, blurred vision, loss of consciousness, twitching, hallucinations, and headache.

Some people may be allergic to fentanyl and experience a severe reaction known as anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is typified by a rash, trouble breathing and swallowing, swelling throughout the hands and face, and hoarseness.

What Does A Fentanyl Overdose Look Like?

Fentanyl is part of the opioid epidemic sweeping the United States. There are more than 200,000 overdose cases seen in emergency rooms throughout the US each year. Symptoms can include loss of consciousness, slowed breathing, and unresponsiveness to stimuli, such as people talking or physical touch.

Are There Any Long-Term Effects Associated With Using Fentanyl?

Fentanyl can affect a person with immediate symptoms, such as those noted above. Long-term, fentanyl abuse can lead to respiratory issues, chronic constipation, mood swings, and a reduced sex drive. Women taking the opioid may also experience an interruption in their menstrual cycle. People who share needles with other opioid users are also at a higher risk of developing hepatitis B and C and contracting an HIV infection.

What Are The Signs Of Fentanyl Addiction?

Like other addictive substances, people who are addicted to fentanyl may showcase extreme changes in their behavior or personality. Addicts often exhibit compulsive drug-seeking behaviors and may have issues with money, their relationships, and at work. Addicts may also experience fentanyl withdrawal symptoms, like muscle aches, diarrhea, and insomnia. Withdrawal symptoms can affect a person’s behavior as well and lead to depression, mood swings, restlessness, irritability, and anxiety.

Fentanyl is safe only when directed and controlled by a licensed healthcare professional in a clinical environment. It is a valuable and powerful narcotic that can help certain individuals overcome pain associated with major healthcare concerns. However, it is highly addictive and too readily available on the streets of Michigan.

If you or someone you love is struggling with the fentanyl addiction, contact Aegis Medical today. Our online addiction treatment specialists can help.

Aegis Medical offers online opioid addiction treatment for those suffering from addiction. When you choose Aegis Medical, you can use your own pharmacy, benefit from our board-certified expertise, and receive treatment from anywhere from a judgment-free practitioner whose sole purpose is to help you walk your recovery journey with confidence. Dr. Peter Farago is licensed throughout the US and Canada and is a member of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine, and the American Board of Preventive Medicine. Aegis Medical is also HIPAA Verified and accepts most insurance plans.